Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil Clip Art

Seeing What the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is and Choosing the Tree of Life!

In Gen. 2:9 we meet that besides the tree of life in the eye of the garden of Eden there's another tree, the tree of cognition of good and evil. The tree of life is uncomplicated – it gives y'all life, the divine life, and then that you may fulfill God's purpose.

However, the other tree in this verse is very complicated: information technology is the tree of knowledge, the tree of adept, the tree of evil, and it results in decease. Right from the very beginning of the Bible we see that God gave man the pick between God Himself as life to human being or Satan as decease.

God is very frank and honest; He doesn't attempt to lure man into obeying Him or receiving Him. Satan, however, is very deceiving and cunning – he came as a serpent to man to subtly sow the seed of uncertainty regarding God's word, and then he deceived man into eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Satan conceals himself, disguises himself, and is non clear what the end effect of cooperating will exist. But God is simple: He comes to u.s.a. as life, wants to give us life, and He intends to continually dispense Himself as life into us!

We need to see what the tree of cognition signifies, and how tin we as believers in Christ would not alive past the tree of cognition but by the tree of life.

Seeing what The Tree of Knowledge of Expert and Evil is

As seen from the entire revelation in the Bible, the tree of knowledge of good and evil signifies Satan every bit the source of death to man (Gen. 2:9, 17; Heb. 2:14). Since Satan is not so obvious as the source of this tree, you lot could say that everything apart from God can be categorized every bit: cognition, good, and evil, and they lead homo to death.

Good things, moral things, ethical things, expert teachings, and even scriptural and religious things apart from God are all a source of death. The letter kills, but the Spirit gives life (2 Cor. 3:6). Our coming to the Bible to seek life and lite without coming to the Lord Himself to receive light tin can result in us receiving the cognition of good and evil, but non the existent life of God (John 5:39-40).

Ever since we know how to talk and remember, we live in the realm of right and wrong. We always look for the correct way to practice things, and turn down the wrong things and the evil ways. The highest standard of morality amid men on earth today is "to do the correct affair" and to "reject the wrong things".

When we believed into the Lord and came into the church life, this same mentality has followed u.s.a. here. It is a daily examination in our Christian life whether we choose to be right or wrong, or whether we swallow the tree of life and live by this life. Sometimes we may fifty-fifty say to others, This is but plain wrong! Nosotros demand to practice information technology right! It is human to recollect this fashion, but at the same fourth dimension we are choosing the wrong tree – whether information technology is good, evil, or knowledge, it is the tree of death.

Life is so complicated when you need to "take the right decision" and practice the right thing….only when y'all swallow Christ equally the tree of life and live by this life, everything is so simple and wonderful! When we consume from the tree of the knowledge of skilful and evil, we may be right but nosotros are "dead right" – we end upwards beingness dead. But when we consume the tree of life, the result is more of the divine life!

Practise Yous Live by "Right vs Wrong" or by Life?

Gen 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, of it you shall not eat; for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.

We all have the feel of trying to exercise the right thing and especially using the correct way, and most of the times inside of usa we have the sense of death. Over again and again throughout the day we need to ask ourselves, Do I live past the principle of doing the right affair, or do I alive by the tree of life?

The more we attempt to do the right thing, the more than we are entangled, complicated, dislocated, and not really articulate about what's going on. Plus, within us we don't have the sense of life and peace.

The principle of the tree of life is dependence and attachment to God, while the principle of expert and evil and of knowledge is existence autonomously from God, being contained. You may exist correct, but yous're apart from God. What practiced does it do to yous when you're right, but you're expressionless right?

In the church building life and in the family unit life, nosotros need to be persons of life, persons living past the tree of life, and non those who strive to practise the right affair. When nosotros see issues or divisions in the church, we shouldn't "effort to sympathize who's right and who'due south wrong" – simply eat the tree of life!

When yous hear something about a certain brother or sister, simply eat the tree of life. The more you try to get the knowledge of the situation, the more you receive death. But the more you eat the tree of life, the more y'all enjoy Christ as life, the more life rules and reigns in you, and things are clear.

In the church life we should treasure the fact that we do not alive by the tree of knowledge of good and evil but rather by the tree of life. Satan may disguise himself in many ways and come to us with many faces – he's a liar, a cheater, a dishonest person, ever deceiving man. The way to turn down him and his deceiving ways is to consume the tree of life.

Even though at school, at work, on the street, and everywhere else the earth encourages you to be an independent person, do the correct thing in your own eyes, and care for nothing else, we need to continually enjoy Christ as the tree of life in our spirit so that we may receive more of God'southward life, grow in God'southward life, be on God's side, and have His purpose fulfilled in the states spontaneously.

Learning to Reject the Tree of Knowledge and Alive past the Tree of Life

The Bible is full of examples of how God rejects even the right things and the good sacrifices that people may offer Him, simply considering God doesn't wait at "the right thing" but He cares more for life.

Cain brought an offering to God out of his own labor on the basis – but information technology was not according to God'southward principle, and so God rejected his offer. The consequence of "Cain doing the right thing for God" was murder – he killed his blood brother Abel, whose offering was received by God.

Abraham offered to "help God fulfill His hope" of giving him a son by sleeping with his handmaid, just God rejected this – He didn't appear to Abraham for 13 years.

Saul was ordered by God to impale all the Amalekites, including everything they owned – merely Saul wanted to "offer to God" the all-time of Amalekites herds. What a good gesture, such "a right thing to do" – but it'southward non according to God's commandment, not co-ordinate to the tree of life. Saul was rejected past God considering of this.

David was seemingly "a loser", always being chased by Saul, the king of Israel, and nigh losing his life a few times. Simply in God's eyes Saul was the loser and David was the winner, considering David was non in the realm of correct or incorrect only in the realm of life.

There are and so many examples in the Bible showing u.s.a. clearly how some man chose the tree of noesis of proficient (and evil) and offended God, while others were uncomplicated and chose God, enjoyed God, and expressed God, and God was happy with them, approving their living and their work.

At one point in the 1940'southward and 1950'due south there was much talk in Prc concerning Watchman Nee being incorrect in this or that, and that'due south when blood brother Witness Lee clearly saw that what actually matters is the tree of life. It's non about who is right and who is wrong.

It's not well-nigh doing this versus doing that, because one is right while the other is incorrect. It's nigh living by the principle of the tree of life, depending on God, being fastened to God, and being on with God. May we all pray to the Lord to evidence united states of america these ii principles of living, and may we larn to reject the tree of knowledge of good and evil and choose the tree of life.

Lord Jesus, keep united states of america on the life line for the whole of our Christian life. We don't want knowledge, we don't want good, and nosotros don't even want to be right. Nosotros want the tree of life. Keep us eating the tree of life and living by this life! Keep to expose the tree of knowledge of adept and evil in our daily living, our family life, and our church life. Save us from reading the Bible or contacting the saints without touching You to receive more than life from You. Lord, keep united states on the line of life, and not on the line of the knowledge, skilful, or evil!

References and Further Reading
  • Inspiration: bro. Andrew Yu's sharing in the message and portions in, Life-study of Genesis (msg. 13), every bit quoted inthe Holy Give-and-take for Morning Revival on the Crystallization Study of Genesis (1), week / msg 6,The Tree of Life and the Tree of Noesis of Good and Evil.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # Saints, beware the knowledge tree / Appearing so skilful; it'due south even pretty. / Its evil and good will open your eyes. / Its upshot, my friend: you'll surely die. / The serpent, he crept in, / Injected in man his death and sin. / Man was seduced this cognition to take. / My friend, that was the greatest fault.
    # Enter into the enjoyment / Experience the Lord / He's the rich supply / Don't let a day become by / Without the presence of the Lord! / We don't care about the tree of knowledge / Skilful and evil impale us dead. / Nosotros don't need to carry ourselves into the grave / But impact the living Lord instead.
    # Oh, we'll stay on God's life line, never turning aside. / We don't treat vain knowledge, which will cause usa to die. / Lord, nosotros'll touch Yous past calling on Your proper name each day; / Living in Your appearing, in Your presence we'll stay.


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