Dekomori Sanae Funny Gun to Head Post

Here are the characters of Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions.

Note: Due to the divergent development of both the light novel and the anime, differences are highlighted.

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Far East Magical Napping Society of Summer

    Yuuta Togashi

Voiced by: Jun Fukuyama (Japanese), Leraldo Anzaldua (English)

Back in middle school, Yuuta was himself a victim of "Chuunibyou", fancying himself as the "Dark Flame Master", a goth guy clad in black who can wield dark-purple flames. Nowadays, though, he'd rather disassociate himself from it, since it caused him to become stigmatized, thus, come high school, he moves away far enough to where his old classmates cannot find him. But his past still comes back to haunt him, one way or another, when he meets a girl still suffering from chuunibyou... who proceeds to blow his cover.

  • All the Other Reindeer: The direct consequence of his overblown middle-school fantasies.
  • Badass Baritone: When acting as Dark Flame Master, Yuuta's voice goes to a lower register. At one point he intentionally lowers the tone of his voice just to get Rikka's attention.
  • Badass Longcoat: As the "Dark Flame Master".
  • Bandage Babe: A Bandage Dude to be exact; he used to wrap his arms as part of his "Dark Flame Master" persona.
  • Chastity Couple: With Rikka. They do finally get around to kissing at the end of the 2nd movie, Take On Me.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Yuuta's collection of items related to his "Dark Flame Master" persona, which he originally planned on throwing away come tenth-grade, turn out to be useful whenever he has to distract and/or keep Rikka and Sanae preoccupied.
  • Chuunibyou: He was one, but now sees that as Old Shame.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Used to be one during his "Dark Flame Master" days, going so far as to, in several Lite episodes, bring an unconcealed rifle out in public while accompanying Kuzuha's friend (but at least he's sensible to hide it in the presence of a cop).
  • Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: He becomes this to Rikka, as well as Dekomori, to a lesser extent, during the series proper, taking it upon himself to reign them in when they get carried away with their fantasies.
  • Class Representative: With Shinka, courtesy of Makoto's nomination.
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Dope Slap: He frequently delivers a chop to Rikka's head whenever she takes her behavior too far.
  • Dragged into Drag: Rikka makes him dress like a magical girl as a "punishment contract" and to give Yuuta the outfit as a present for their one month anniversary together. Turns out that fits him quite well too.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: Yuuta looks quite feminine, according to a few characters and, in the light novels, himself.

    Isshiki: "Hmm, it's disappointing! Why weren't you born as a girl?! Ah, but maybe you'll do if we put you in female clothing... how about it?"

  • Eating Lunch Alone: He usually eats lunch alone during middle school, due to being an outcast. Thus he considers Makoto's offer to eat lunch with him as a good start to a far more normal high school life.
  • Fetish: In the Christmas Episode, Shinka makes Rikka dress in a School Sport Uniform; when Yuuta asks for the reason, Shinka's answer is "I heard this is your fetish." Turns out it was Touka who told her.
  • Headdesk: Prone to frequently strike his head on the wall or table whenever he remembers another one of his chuuni-fueled rants.
  • Hell-Bent for Leather: His attire as the "Dark Flame Master", complete with Too Many Belts.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: He thought he was safe to do his "Dark Flame Master" motion one last time at a secluded balcony at school before moving on. Alas, Rikka was watching all along.
  • Innocent Cohabitation: Rikka moves in after his mother moves and Rikka's grandfather didn't hold the apartment.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: Sincerely hopes to leave behind his middle-school weirdness behind and spend his high school days in relative normalcy, by transferring to a high school far enough that no one from his old school would attend. He accomplishes that for the most part, but then came Rikka.
  • I Just Want to Be Special: Deconstructed, as his old schoolmates plainly ignored him and he eventually got over his fantasies.
  • Love Epiphany: Has one in the later parts of the light novel, which is partially helped along by Isshiki's prodding.
  • Memetic Hand Gesture: In his "Dark Flame Master" persona; he covers most of his face with his left hand.
  • New Transfer Student: Although he starts his school year as scheduled, he was certainly a new face in town.
  • Oh, Crap!: His reaction when he realized that Touka had an audio clip of one of his rants as the "Dark Flame Master".
  • Old Shame: In-Universe — he deeply regrets his days as the "Dark Flame Master".
  • Only Sane Man: What he desperately tries to remain once he gets paired up with chuunis like he used to be.
  • Ordinary High-School Student: Yuuta's ideal. Unfortunately, his past as a chuunibyou isn't so easy to shake off...
  • Peek-a-Bangs: Used to cover his right eye with his hair as the "Dark Flame Master".
  • Playing with Fire: According to his chuunibyou persona, he can control dark-purple fire.
  • Porn Stash: Keeps a bunch of them under his bed.
  • Sealed Badass in a Can: In the anime, his "Dark Flame Master" persona "sealed" away his power in a black stone. Said stone's location is revealed by a clue on the three arcade token Mc Guffins that Rikka runs off trying to look for.
  • Stock Light-Novel Everyman: Yuuta Togashi is a firm Only Sane Man, who views his Chuunibyou past as an Old Shame and wants to push it out of his life, which contrasts his peers who still actively partake in it. In particular, he serves as the Cloudcuckoolander's Minder towards the female lead, Rikka Takanashi. The series follows the exploits of Yuuta trying to pull Rikka into reality and common sense, while she tries to urge him back to the Chuunibyou life of fun and make belief. While he doesn't exactly have an Unwanted Harem, his main supporting cast is comprised of all girls.
  • Too Many Belts: Wears seven belts in his "Dark Flame Master" persona besides a normal one — three around each leg and one on his collar.
  • Understanding Boyfriend: Toward Rikka and all her chuunibyou, childhood trauma of losing her father, and general eccentricity.
  • Would Hit a Girl: Ready to smack Rikka in the head — or any girl for that matter — whenever her delusions or mean-spirited selfishness like in the case of Shinka run wild. In episode 2 of Ren, he actually spanked Rikka for using up nearly all her (pretty high) allowances just to buy a pair of binoculars.

    Rikka Takanashi

A strange girl who wears a medical eyepatch over her right eye and has just moved into Yuuta's apartment building upstairs with her older sister Touka. Unlike Yuuta, Rikka indulges in her delusions even well into high school in the form of "The Wicked Eye", a goth-loli who wields a weaponized umbrella.

  • Alternate Character Reading: "Takanashi" means "little birds playing" as written and "no hawks" as pronounced.
    • Takanashi as a surname is not uncommon in Japan, and its alternate character reading is explained as vulnerable little birds being able to come out and play when hawks are not present to prey on them.
  • Badass Adorable: While the "badass" part is certainly illusory, she definitely fits into the "adorable" half.
  • Bandage Babe: Besides an Eyepatch of Power, Rikka also wraps her left arm with bandages.
  • Barefoot Loon: Downplayed in comparison to most examples, but she seems to be perfectly okay with leaving her house without shoes during her night escapades.
  • Break the Cutie: Her dad's death had a traumatic impact on her, thus watching Yuuta and later creating her "Wicked Eye" persona is her coping mechanism. Gets broken again at the end of episode 10 where the last support she has for her delusions, Yuuta, suddenly turns on her and tries to make her face reality right before they were supposed to perform at the school festival and not even a day after they had confessed to each other.
  • Can't Hold Her Liquor: Featured in Christmas OVA (Season 1, Episode 13) when she becomes drunk after eating three pieces of alcohol-laced chocolate cake.
  • Chastity Couple: With Yuuta. They do finally get around to kissing at the end of the 2nd movie, Take On Me.
  • Chuunibyou: Through and through, to the point of being the Trope Codifier of this trope in anime. Although, unlike most examples of this trope, she use this as a coping mechanism for her trauma rather than simply wanting to be special.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl:
    • She taps Yuuta on the head for a change when she caught him staring at Nibutani's swimsuit.
    • Becomes more prominent once Satone, an old friend of Yuuta's, shows up in season 2, and gets a little too friendly with him.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Looks at the world through the lens of her fantasies in a near-constant basis.
  • Contralto of Danger: In both English and Japanese dubs, she uses a deeper voice whenever she enters "chuuni" mode. This is more noticeable in English than in Japanese, as her natural speaking voice is relatively high-pitched.
  • Crush Blush: The most obvious hint for the viewers of when her feelings for Yuuta finally blossomed.
  • Cute Clumsy Girl: Despite how her delusions may depict her, real life Rikka is regularly seen to be quite clumsy and lacking coordination in most physical activities.
  • Does Not Like Spam: Hates red fruit, especially tomatoes which she considers poisonous.
  • Elegant Gothic Lolita: Suits herself up as one whenever her chuuni is in full swing.
  • Everybody Hates Mathematics: Rikka is frankly terrible at it. While she lucks out in the anime due to the class average being lower than usual, in the light novels she has to retake the exams at least thrice, and passes none, with her highest being 30/100.
  • Eyepatch of Power: Rikka thinks her eyepatch is a seal to her "Evil Eye".
  • Fallen Angel: After meeting Satone and her Magical Girl persona, Rikka starts addressing the Wicked Eye as a fallen angel, likely to justify their battles.
  • Fast-Roping: Commonly uses this to go to Yuuta's apartment, which is directly below hers.
  • Idiot Hair: Also an expressive one. She considers her "antenna hair" to be her most attractive feature.
  • Innocent Cohabitation: With Yuuta after her sister moves out and her grandfather loses the apartment.
  • Insecure Love Interest: Becomes one anytime she sees Satone around Yuuta during season 2. Doesn't help that Satone is also particularly aggressive in showing off her feelings towards him.
  • Kind Hearted Cat Lover: Keeps a gray cat called "Chimera", and attaches pink angel wings and a snake to it. Touka, who is allergic to cats, refuses to let her keep it in their room. Yuuta is taking care of it.
  • Love Epiphany: Has one in episode 9, which is helped along by Shinka.
  • Loss of Identity: Suffers a big one after the Gingko Festival, when Yuta asks her to take off her eyepatch. Her apparent rejection of all things chunibiyo leaves her lost and depressed as she has no coping mechanism to deal with all the changes happening around that time her mother returning into her life, her sister moving to Italy and her relationship with Yuta. She's lonelier than ever.
  • Magical Eye: Only in her delusions. But she does wear a colored contact lens under her eyepatch.
  • Manic Pixie Dream Girl: For Yuuta.
  • Non-Uniform Uniform: Despite being in high school, she wears a skirt that's supposed to only be worn by the school's middle school division, and she also has a cross sewn on it.
  • Numerical Theme Naming: "Rikka" means "six flowers", going along with her sister's name.
  • Parasol of Pain: Her Weapon of Choice, stored in a gun holster strapped on her left thigh.
  • Parental Abandonment: Her and Touka's father died three years ago, and their mother left them with their grandparents.
  • Red Baron: The Wicked Eye.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Touka's blue and blue to Sanae's red.
  • The Rival: Becomes one to Satone in the second novel/season 2.
  • School Sport Uniform: She wears this outfit during the Christmas Episode on the suggestion of Shinka, who in turn heard it from Touka because the latter claims that Yuuta would really like it.
  • The Stoic: Adorably subverted. Rikka tries her hardest to be this in the first episode while in full chunibiyo mode, but breaks after a few seconds of getting (lightly) bonked on the head with a scale and falls into full "needs to be protected" mode. Every subsequent attempt plays out the same.
  • Unexpected Inheritance: In the light novels, Rikka supposedly inherited her "evil eye" from her father before he died.
  • Verbal Tic: A dopey but enthusiastic "Ooooh!!" whenever she sees something she finds cool.
  • When She Smiles: Weapon-Grade Adorable .

    Shinka Nibutani

A beautiful, chuunibyou-hating girl in Yuuta's class who is also a transferee. In the anime, her attitude is explained as the result of her desperate attempts to erase all traces of her past as a chuunibyou herself, having went by the name "Mori Summer", a medium and writer of the "Mabinogion", her journal of faux-philosophical rants currently in Sanae's possession.

  • Academic Alpha Bitch: In the first episode of Ren, her classmates said Dekomori's grades were even better than she is. This implies her grades are also extremely strong, just not as high as Deko's.
  • Actually, I Am Him: In the anime, she tried to convince Sanae that she was "Mori Summer", if only to be able to confiscate the latter's copies of her own Mabinogion. Fails miserably, because Sanae expected someone befitting her "hero".
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: She's far less abrasive and genuinely helpful on a more consistent basis in the anime when compared to the light novels. The presence of Dekomori to play off of helps a lot.
  • Alternate Character Reading: The kanji of her given name can also be read as "mori natsu" ("forest summer"), thus her chuunibyou alias "Mori Summer" in the anime. The light novel version of Mori-sama just took the first kanji.
  • Ambiguously Bi: The first episode hints at a possible crush on Yuuta, although this is later shown to have been just part of her public facade. The Christmas Special OVA contains an Accidental Kiss between her and Sanae. Throughout the second season homoerotic subtext between her and Sanae continues. In episode 12 of Ren, she remarks in the public bath how nice Rikka's breasts are with a pleased expression on her face.
  • Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other: She'll curse you for even thinking to bring the idea up, but she does like Sanae to an extent. She even admitted Dekomori was cute when she smiles.
  • Berserk Button: Any mention of chuunibyou, given her past as one, as well as (in the anime) Sanae's insult to her as a "Fake Mori Summer".
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: In the anime, the cute and friendly personality she has at the beginning is revealed to be a facade. She's not exactly a bad girl at heart, but she can get pretty snippy and mean every time the issue of chuunibyou is taken up because she's just that desperate to erase all traces of her own past as one. Through Character Development, this becomes inverted - she regularly acts bitchy while actually caring deeply for her friends.
  • The Bully: Towards anyone she regards as her moral inferiors. More prominent in the light novels than in the anime.
  • Butt-Monkey: In the anime, she tends to be the victim of a lot of Sanae's antics, especially in the second season.
  • Cassandra Truth: No matter what she tries to say or claim, Sanae absolutely refuses to believe she was "Mori Summer".
  • Catchphrase: Every time people bring up "Mori Summer" or catch her without her Yamato Nadeshiko facade...

    "Wanna get cursed to death?"/"I'll put a dark curse on you!"

  • Chuunibyou: Was one under the "Mori Summer" persona.
  • Covert Pervert: She uses her own perverted thoughts regarding Yuuta and Rikka to trigger Sanae's Covert Pervert. Likes spying on people in relationships.
  • The Cheerleader: Also a member of the pep squad as well as in Rikka's club. She quits in episode 9, as she grows closer to Rikka and her friends.
  • Class Representative: With Yuuta.
  • Drama Club: Later joins the school's drama club, which more or less gives her an excuse to dress up in different costumes.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Sure, she and Sanae are at each other's hair most of the time, but Nibutani draws a line when a girl tries to take advantage of her young friend with ulterior motives, and adding insult to injury, uses her likeness and mannerisms as "Mori Summer" to lure Sanae. Even when she'd be the last to admit it, she's aghast at the possibility of Sanae both drifting away from her, and unwittingly putting herself in harm's way by doing so.
  • Evil Counterpart: Not "evil" per se, but essentially serves this role for Yuuta in the original light novels. Both are embarrassed of their chuunibyou pasts, but Shinka's way of moving beyond it causes her to look down on other people as inferiors as overcompensation, a path that Yuuta avoids thanks to his bond with Rikka.
  • First Kiss: Accidental Kiss with Sanae Dekomori in Christmas OVA.
  • Fleeting Passionate Hobbies: She has moved between clubs in high school, from cheerleading to drama and now to the student government.
  • Gainaxing: In the opening credits.
  • Glory Seeker: Downplayed, but in the anime this is her actual reasoning behind joining Cheerleaders and later the Drama Club. More so than Yuuta, who just wants to be normal and have friends, Shinka desires to be popular, so she looks for quick methods to achieve this. In season 2, she tries to run for Student Council for the same reasoning.
  • Headdesk: In episode 8 of Ren, she started rolling on the ground when Satone mentioned she was been eating herbs, drinking tree saps, and trying to talk with birds in her Mori Summer days.
  • Improbable Weapon User: She knows the easiest way to beat Dekomori in a fight or argument is to feed her milk or milk-based products like cheese.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Or a heart of polished bronze, at least. She's a bully most of the time, but she occasionally helps out others and does things for reasons besides her own advancement.
  • Lack of Empathy: In the light novels, she is very mean-spirited and selfish towards the feelings and needs of anyone who isn't of any immediate use towards her goals, Isshiki in particular.
  • Licked by the Dog: Literally in Episode 7.
  • Lovable Alpha Bitch: She mellows out into this as the series progresses.
  • Love Freak: During her "Mori Summer" days. She still shows traces of it now.
  • Ms. Fanservice: The end credits and the Episode 7 Beach Episode loves to remind us of her generous proportions.
  • The Not-Love Interest: While Yuuta initially has a crush on her, no actually romantic relationship ever develops between the two despite being Birds of a Feather. She actually ends up becoming his closest female friend instead.
  • Not So Above It All: Though she's horribly embarrassed by her chunibiyo past, she still brings out ideas of guardian spirits and gets absolutely pissed when someone else pretends to be Mori Summer. Justified because she says that her alter ego represents her 'twisted love' for herself.
  • Old Shame: In-Universe — like Yuuta, Shinka resents her past life as "Mori Summer". Unlike him, however, she's not as good as him when it comes to facing the fact that her past will always haunt her.
  • Really 700 Years Old: Claims her "Mori Summer" persona to be this, as well as the "oldest mage in the world". The claimed age is inconsistent, ranging from the 400s to the 1,200s.
  • Red Baron: Mori Summer in the anime, and Mori-sama in the novels.
  • School Idol: Downplayed. She is without dispute the class idol, but nothing was mentioned beyond class 1-4.
  • "Shaggy Dog" Story: No matter how hard she tries to purge it, "Mori Summer" will always live on in Sanae's delusions. And to add insult to injury, Sanae won't even acknowledge Shinka as the real deal because she doesn't match up to her "Mori Summer" image. At least until episode 4 of Ren.
  • She's Got Legs: Especially obvious in her cheerleader outfit.
  • Shipper on Deck: For Yuuta and Rikka. She frequently and earnestly advises Yuuta and/or Rikka on how to advance their relationship.
  • Sitcom Archnemesis: With Sanae.
  • Team Mom: In the anime, it's very much evident that she cares a lot for Yuuta, Rikka, and Sanae, and takes it upon herself to help others with their personal problems.
  • Transparent Closet: In Ren, she more frequently slips back into chunibyo habits of her own volition, and quickly tries to denounce them.
  • Tsundere: Sweet to complete strangers, Harsh to the others, especially Yuuta, Rikka, and Sanae.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Has shades of this with Dekomori in the anime. They profess to hate each other, but somehow or rather always spend a lot of time together. By Ren, it's transparently obvious that they actually care for each other deeply.
  • Verbal Weakness: Sanae can make her collapse from sheer embarrassment by reciting passages from the Mabinogion.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: While she's not all that afraid of them, she hates dogs. But they love her.

    Sanae Dekomori

Anime-exclusive character. A kid from the school's middle-grade department. Like Rikka, whom she met on the internet, Sanae also suffers from chuunibyou. She takes on the form of "Mjolnir Maul", a mid-range fighter who uses her long bola-resembling twintails to fight - which more often than not serve as hindrance rather than help. In the world of delusions, she then "switches over" to a gigantic hammer.

  • Ambiguously Gay: At the beginning of episode 10, when Rikka hugs her, she blushes and considers the thought of Rikka having feelings for her. The Christmas Special OVA witnesses her talking in her sleep while having an erotic dream about her "Master" Rikka. She expresses despair while buzzed over Shinka not taking her interaction with her seriously. The Accidental Kiss between Shinka and her at the end of the episode begins recurrent homoerotic theme regarding them.
  • Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other: Though she'll never admit it, Sanae values Shinka's attention, to the point where she actually starts getting depressed if the latter ignores her.
  • Badass Adorable: Like Rikka, the "badass" part is debatable, the "adorable" part undeniable.
  • Big Fancy House: Revealed in the Bluray-exclusive Episode 13.
  • Bratty Half-Pint: Mostly around Shinka.
  • Break the Cutie: She doesn't take the not-Chuunibyou Rikka well.
  • Break Them by Talking: Yuta's outburst at her after Rika going back to her hometown leaves her utterly devastated.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: She's as delusional as Rikka, but excels in academics.
  • Canon Foreigner: Among many in the anime.
  • Canon Immigrant: Introduced in the third light novel, written after the anime.
  • Can't Hold Her Liquor: Featured in Christmas OVA (Season 1, Episode 13) when she becomes drunk after eating three pieces of alcohol-laced chocolate cake.
  • Chuunibyou: In the same magnitude as Rikka.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Gets upset in episode 13 during the Christmas party because of the fact that Rikka and Yuuta are dating, and is drunk from alcohol-laced chocolate cake. And early on in season 2, doesn't take it too well that the two are living together due to Rikka losing her apartment. She also gets upset at Satone for getting too close to Shinka in episode 11 of season 2.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: She has shades of this from time to time, but is actually quite intelligent as well.
  • Covert Pervert: She goes beet red when wondering if Rikka and Yuuta are doing anything naughty, as suggested by Shinka.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Well aware that the Mabinogion she's keeping can be destroyed, so she keeps copies. Online ones, that is.
  • Ditzy Genius: Despite being so deep in her delusions, she's still the top student in her grade. Yuuta and Shinka were utterly surprised.
  • Does Not Like Spam: Hates any dairy products. And Shinka really takes advantage of that!
  • Drop the Hammer: Her "weapon" once her chuunibyou goes into full power.
  • Epic Fail: (See Hoist By Her Own Petard below)
  • Erotic Dream: In the OVA, she has an erotic dream about her and "Master" (Rikka).
  • Even the Girls Want Her: The impostor Mori Summer in episode 8 of Ren apparently fell in Love at First Sight with her.
  • Expecting Someone Taller: Refuses to acknowledge Shinka as the girl behind "Mori Summer" because the former was expecting the messenger of love, not the jaded high-schooler desperate to purge her past delusions. Well, until episode 4 of Ren, when she recognized Mori Summer's hand bangle as seen online is the same as the one the latter photographed with Satone.
  • First Kiss: Accidental Kiss with Shinka Nibutani in Christmas OVA.
  • Genki Girl: Tends to get overly excited around Rikka.
  • Girlish Pigtails: Which she attempts to weaponize by turning them into bolas, though she usually just ends up getting tangled up in them.
  • Great Big Book of Everything: Mabinogion, a tome she "received" from a certain "Mori Summer" supposedly contains all the knowledge of this world.
  • Hero-Worshipper: Worships "Mori Summer", author of the "Mabinogion".
  • Hoist by Her Own Petard: The usual result of using her improvised bolas is accidentally tying herself up.
    • Or, in episode 10, she actually have difficulty walking as... she increased the mass of her bolas weight 4 times.
    • In episode 4 of Ren, she manages to successfully attack Nibutani, only to knock herself out when she inadvertently yanks Nibutani in to her.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Uses her twintails, which end in improvised bolas, as her weapons. And it's filled with candy.
  • Last-Name Basis: Seemed to prefer to be called by last name, even among her classmates.
  • Older Than She Looks: She is just 143cm (4'8") tall.
  • Opaque Nerd Glasses: Invoked; she wears them only when trying to read the Mabinogion.
  • Parody Sue: Is rich and intelligent but lacks common sense.
  • Red Baron: Mjolnir Maul
  • Secretly Wealthy: In episode 12, Kumin mentions that Deko drove them. Cue them panning to a Mercedes-looking car with a stern looking MIB next to it. Then the club goes to her house for a Christmas party in episode 13, and she lives in a really large one...
  • She Cleans Up Nicely: No one recognizes her, but she actually turns out to be pretty good-looking when she has her hair down and acts like a normal person.
  • Sitcom Archnemesis: With Shinka.
  • The Gadfly: She really enjoys irritating Yuuta and Shinka about their Old Shame.
  • Third-Person Person: Sometimes talks like this.
  • Tsundere: A Type A towards Shinka, and Yuuta, on occassion. She's pretty friendly with everyone else.
  • Verbal Tic: Vocalizes the word "desu" to sound like "death" note Japanese can't really pronounce the ending "th," so they vocalize that as "s." The difference between "desu" and "death," is more that of a tone..
    • She changes to "desu yo" after Yuuta brutally lectures her on reality.
    • The English dub sometimes switches this out for "Yes!", but it doesn't happen that often. What does happen often is saying "I, Dekomori..." whenever she's talking about herself.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Shinka, in the anime. They bicker constantly, and she claims to hate Shinka for being a Morisummer "impostor", but tends to get upset when she doesn't pay attention to her or take their rivalry seriously.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Ingesting milk or any milk-based food item will stop her in her tracks.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Delivers one to Yuuta for not supporting Rikka and her delusions in the penultimate episode of Season 1.

    Kumin Tsuyuri

Anime-exclusive character. A sweet kid and Yuuta's upperclassman who's quick to fall asleep.

  • The Ace: Played for Laughs. Thanks to her, the club manages to defeat a rival napping club from another school.
  • Alternate Character Reading: The kanji for her surname is written as "五月七日" (May 7) — Tsuyuri being a festival that falls on that day. In Episode 2, Yuuta did mispronunce that as "Gogatsu-nanoka", and has to be corrected.
  • Animal Motifs: Sheep. Kumin typically has a plush sheep with her, which goes hand-in-hand with her sleepiness.
  • Calling Your Attack: Her one genuine moment of Chuni during the napping contest and securing the win.
  • Canon Foreigner: Like Dekomori, she initially was not in the light novels.
  • Canon Immigrant: Introduced in the third light novel, written after the anime.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Always keeps a pillow with her for whenever she feels the need to take a nap.
  • The Ditz: She's very easily led and excited by the local CloudCuckoolanders' antics.
  • The Heart: During the incident with the actual fake Mori Summer, she was the one who suggested that Shinka confront the fraud who stole her chunibiyo alter-ego. She also helped secure a win for the club against a rival napping club and allowed the Far East Magical Napping Society Summer to keep their club room.
  • Heavy Sleeper: She can fall asleep almost anywhere, whether on a train, in the clubroom, or even on the beach. Taken to competitive levels in episode 5 of season 2.
  • Hidden Buxom: Not even all that hidden.
  • Homeschooled Kids: She was home schooled for a long time before attending middle school.
  • Nice Girl: She's the nicest member of the club and is very sweet to everyone.
  • Out of Focus: Kumin appears less and less as time goes on and the plot becomes more focused on Rikka and Yuuta.
  • Pungeon Master: Even in her sleep.
  • Really Fond of Sleeping: Kumin isn't only a Sleepyhead; she intends to establish a Japanese School Club for napping as well.
  • Red Baron: Briefly went by Dark Lord Shingan the Second. It didn't last long.
  • Sleepyhead: She's sleepy and dozes off often. And treats napping as Serious Business.
  • Take Up My Sword: She's not a Chuunibyou herself, but she enthusiastically acts like one when Rikka stops being one.

    Satone Shichimiya

Appears in the second light novel and the second season of anime. Yuuta's chuuni friend from middle school who suddenly moved away. Yuuta mentions that she's probably the reason he got infected with chuunibyou. Her chuuni persona is Sofia Ring SP Saturn the 7th, or Sofia-chan, the Magical Demon Duchess.

  • Adaptational Heroism: In the anime, her feelings for Yuta and jealousy over his and Rikka's relationship never drive her towards the actions she took in the light novel (See Green-Eyed Monster and Murder the Hypotenuse).
  • Childhood Friend Romance: It's pretty obvious when she shows up in season 2 that she liked Yuuta back in middle school. Especially considering they hung out and did the chuunibyou schtick together. Once she realizes that he forgot a lot about her, such as the arcade token, as well as dating Rikka, she becomes an Unlucky Childhood Friend.
  • Chuunibyou: Of course, athough this is an invoked case as she takes fun in it.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Invoked by Satone because she finds normalcy to be boring.
  • Facial Markings: She has a small pink heart sticker on her cheek to invoke this image.
  • Fille Fatale: Tries to be one once when she drops her skirt in front of Yuuta. She mentions that she was disappointed when he didn't want to look.
  • Genki Girl: She possesses almost unlimited energy and enjoys every minute of using it.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Revealed to be her motivation for kidnapping Rikka and forcing Yuuta to play a game with her to get her back.
    • That only applies in the light novels, however. In the anime, she's perfectly fine with everything. Until episode 10 anyway...
  • Hopeless Suitor: While she didn't have a chance anyway due to Yuuta dating Rikka by the time she shows up in season 2, she realizes she's fallen into this trope by episode 11 of season 2 after seeing how determined he was to find Rikka despite the latter being sick and still looking for the MacGuffin written in his notebook.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: In episode 7 of season 2, she runs into Yuuta and Rikka during their field trip. After some mishap involving a monkey and her lost purse, Rikka sees her giving a coin to Yuuta, and runs off. After Satone realizes Yuuta forgot the meaning of the coin, she then attempts to make her peace with Rikka by claiming that he belonged to the latter, and that she would stay as a chuunibyou, and messages Yuuta so that he could find where Rikka was so they could spend the end of the day together alone.
  • Love Epiphany: She tells Rikka about the first time she felt hers in episode 7 of season 2. She realized that she was starting to fall in love with Yuuta, and started to see the chuunibyou as foolishness, kind of like how he was at the start of the series going into high school. However, because he was still a hardcore chuuni at the time, she put up with it to be close with him until she moved away. Once she realized that he forgot a lot about her, and that she was inadvertently causing strife in Rikka and his relationship, she decides to gracefully step out.
  • Love Hurts: In episode 9 of season 2, she feels a tinge in her heart after helping Rikka renew her "powers". And in episode 10, several of the other girls confront her about her feelings towards him at the request of Touka. Then she asks some questions directly to Yuuta, and despite her reassurances of being resilient, his answers seem to knock her off her feet. And just when she thought she got over it, he runs back and offers her an umbrella, causing her to lash out at him and run off.
  • Love Triangle: Involved in one with Yuuta and Rikka.
  • Magical Girl: What her chuuni persona seems to invoke.
  • Manic Pixie Dream Girl: Someone had to step in and screw with Yuuta's life.
  • Murder the Hypotenuse: A non-lethal example. She (sort of) kidnaps Rikka in the second novel and makes Yuuta play a game with her where they have to break up if she wins.
  • New Transfer Student: She transfers in to Yuuta and Rikka's school and class at the end of the second novel so that she can fight against Rikka, over various things.
  • No Sense of Direction: Lampshaded by Yuuta in episode 7 of Ren.
  • Scarf of Asskicking: Imaginary asskicking, but she does wear a blue scarf frequently.
  • Shipper on Deck: Once she realized she had lost Yuuta for good, she actually ended up supporting Yuuta and Rikka as a couple, even helping out with their attempt at eloping in the second movie.
  • Signature Laugh: NYAHAHAHA!
  • The Tease: She loves doing this to Yuuta, and usually in the presence of Rikka, causing the latter to display some Clingy Jealous Girl emotions.
  • Verbal Tic: Somehow, she has a tendency to stick in ☆ into her sentences.
    • Say It With Stars
  • What Is This Thing You Call "Love"?: She suffers from this twice. Once when she and Yuuta were hanging out together, and later on when she moves into the apartment above his where Rikka stayed in the first season. She was somewhat unaware of why she felt this way until Shinka points it out to her, who only suspected it thanks to Touka having a hunch.

High School General

    Makoto Isshiki

Yuuta's first friend in his new high school, who has a habit of profiling all the girls in their class.

  • Anime Hair: Blond and spiky in the first episode of the second season of the anime. However it broke school regulation and he was forced to shave it off again.
  • The Atoner: In Episode 6, he shaved off his head and took the heat for the other guys in Class 1-4 for taking polls of the girls. This is to maintain some kind of desirability among the girls.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: He seems to fall in love with Kumin because the latter found his now bald head interesting to the touch.
  • Butt-Monkey: While most of the main characters are unlucky, Isshiki is arguably the unluckiest. For example, the poor fellow's attempts at wooing Kumin with the later never noticing one bit. Even better, when he finally does confess in episode 10, it's on a stage in front of the entire school, unfortunately she was asleep at the time.
    • While Yuuta will give the girls a smack or chop every so often, when it comes to Isshiki, he pulls out all the stops and just wails on him. It comes to a peak at episode 10, where the poor guy gets kicked in the face, his head slammed into the floor multiple times, and comboed.
    • This gets even worse in Ren, where he also loses the little relevance he had and everyone forgets who he is.
  • Double Standard: Rape, Male on Male: In episode 12 of Season 2, it is heavily implied that Chihiro rapes him in the changing room of the men's bath.
  • Casanova Wannabe: If his hobby of profiling girls is any indication.
  • Hopeless Suitor: Towards Kumin, although that doesn't stop him from trying.
  • Love Confession: He gives one to Kumin in episode 10, but the latter was sleeping at the time.
  • Love Letter Lunacy: He gets one at one point, and Shinka seems to verify that it came from a girl. However, due to him dropping his notebook on the list of girls ranked by their cuteness, the boys in their class get in trouble with the girls for it, and he takes the blame, partly because it was his notebook, and partly because he wanted to look cool by taking the heat and punishment. As a result of it however, whoever wrote that letter understandably doesn't show up at the meeting place in the letter, although he's instead greeted by all the boys who worship him for taking the blame.
  • Important Haircut/Traumatic Haircut: He promised to shave his head bald as gesture of apology to Class 1-4 when his girl-ranking notebook was discovered. Turns out he doesn't want to go through with it, but is pestered by Shinka about his vow. Poor guy isn't happy at all, especially considering he had to deal with being bald for the past three years, and fears he will end up Prematurely Bald like his father. However, said trauma is minimized when Kumin pats his head due to not being able to resist touching his now bald head.
  • No Sense of Personal Space: At times he gets uncomfortably close to Yuuta. He also laid his head on the latter's shoulder, and immediately earns a couple of hits from it as a result due to Yuuta finding another guy doing that to him incredibly creepy.
  • Out of Focus: While he never had a lot of screentime in the anime in the first place, he's almost invisible by season 2.
  • Prematurely Bald: His father suffered from this (completely bald by 35) and he thinks he'd be the next according to his genes.

    Nanase Tsukumo

Homeroom teacher for Yuuta, Rikka and Makoto's class.

  • Gratuitous Foreign Language: When Rikka pretends to be Katherine, a spirit living in her, she switches languages to communicate with her. In Japanese, it's in straight English. In the English dub, it's French.
  • Hot Teacher: Why of course, complete with Kikuko Inoue to voice her.
  • Meaningful Name: Her surname can be read as "99". May or may not count as a Casting Gag, considering one of her voice actress' roles as Carmen99.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: She allows Rikka to form her club on the condition that they clean up a room. Although it takes a while due to the girls goofing off more than clean, she upholds her end of the deal and lets them form a club despite not having five human members at the time.
  • Sensei-chan: Played with. Some of her students call her "Nana-chan", and she seems like a bit of an airhead at times, but she's actually pretty on the ball.
  • Smarter Than You Look: Of course, being a teacher, she's intelligent, but Yuuta notes that she can be quite cunning, as shown when she plays along with Rikka's delusions when the latter submitted her club formation form for her "Eastern Magical Nap Association".

    Natsumi Tokugawa

Anime-exclusive character. A young woman who poses as the "real" Mori Summer in order to get Dekomori's attention.

  • Blush Sticker: She gets these whenever she manages to get a good look at her crush. Both Kumin and Yuuta pick up on this behavior, and it clues them in on her true intentions.
  • Camera Fiend: The creepy kind. In her first onscreen appearance (which happens to be in the background), she's shown snapping a picture of Sanae behind her back. As Mori Summer, she gets Sanae to close her eyes so that "the ancient spirits can purify her mind"; she uses this as an opportunity to nab some closeup shots of her (from multiple angles).
  • Combat Tentacles: During her fight with Nibutani, she creates black, shadowy tentacles that help her gain the upper hand.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: To reiterate, she meets Dekomori online under a false identity, is wildly attracted to her because of her "innocence", and eventually assaults her sexually by touching her chest and nibbling her ear with absolutely no consent. Did we just describe an anime character, or an online predator?
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Prior to her introductory episode in Ren, she can be spotted several times in the background in preceding episodes, silently stalking Dekomori and her friends.
  • Hypocrite: She claims that people who pose as the great Mori Summer are nothing more than twisted commoners with ugly hearts... despite the fact that she herself is a fraud.
  • Identical Stranger: All things considered, she does look an awful lot like Nibutani, making her deception a bit more convincing for Dekomori.
  • I Have You Now, My Pretty: When the coast is clear, she pins Dekomori against a tree and molests her until Nibutani finally intervenes.
  • Light Is Not Good: She wears a white uniform and veil to emulate Mori Summer's holy appearance; she also happens to be a total psycho.
  • Manipulative Bitch: Stalking a young freshman girl is already concerning enough, but luring the girl in by pretending to be someone she idolizes and then violating her in private? Now this is the kind of person you don't want going to your daughter's school.
  • No Name Given: Her true name is given in the credits, but it's never mentioned in the episode itself.
  • Perpetual Smiler: She always has a warm smile on her face, which makes her even creepier once you discover her true colors.
  • Psycho Lesbian: She's madly in love with Dekomori, but resorts to some real creepy methods to show her affection. She secretly follows Dekomori around town, takes pictures of her behind her back, steals her attention by pretending to be Mori Summer, and eventually thrusts herself upon her before being confronted by Nibutani.
  • Stalker with a Crush: Has a huge crush on Dekomori, and secretly follows her around taking pictures of her.
  • Vile Villain, Saccharine Show: Out of every character in this lighthearted and colorful show, Natsumi is the only one who's considered a truly depraved and despicable villain.
  • Yandere: She makes it very clear to Nibutani that she's not gonna let anyone take her precious "Sanja" away from her.

Family Members

    Touka Takanashi

Anime-exclusive character. Rikka's older sister and a professional cook, with whom she has a not-so-good relationship, owing to the fact that she mostly serves as the serious foil to her insane antics.

  • Action Girl: She's done gymnastics in high school and is more than enough for Rikka when the latter decides to go on the run. Especially shown in the fantasy battles.
  • Alliterative Name: Touka Takanashi.
  • Aloof Big Sister: Invoked and Lampshaded by her.
    • Arguably a Deconstruction. Her aloofness results from her inability to handle her sister very well and her own emotional problems. As a result, she ends up hurting her sister more than helping when it comes to her time of need. Even she realizes this herself, and often asks Yuuta for help. Moreso in the second movie, Take On Me, where she 'threatens' to take Rikka to Italy with her (spurring a Japan-wide cat-and-mouse chase) in order to find out if Yuuta truly wants to be with Rikka for life, as she is herself getting married and wants to be reassured that Rikka will be in good hands with Yuuta.
  • Anti-Villain: She's the main antagonist of Take On Me, but definitely not the villain (the worst thing she does is blackmail Nibutani and Dekomori into helping her bring Rikka back). The real reason she pursues Rikka and Yuuta in the first place is because she wanted to see if her sister will truly be happy and safe in Yuuta's care. In the end, they prove her right.
  • Canon Foreigner: In the light novel series, Rikka doesn't have an older sister. And unlike Sanae and Kumin, she does not become a Canon Immigrant.
  • The Comically Serious: She keeps her aloof tone of voice in every situation. Even when she tries to tell a joke, she's so stone faced that everyone believes she's telling the truth.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Who would've thought she's keeping a clip of one of Yuuta's "Dark Flame Master" rants?
    • Also, in Episode 7 she rigs the outside of the house with a trap because she predicted Rikka's escape attempt.
  • The Cynic: Her attempts to bring Rikka back to reality has knocked any and ALL sense of wonder and romanticism towards life clean out of her; so much so that she sees nothing wrong with teaching innocent children the harsh realities of broken family life while playing house.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Her first conversation with Yuuta, she described Rikka's delusions as problematic, forced her to get rid of the cat (to be fair, she has allergies) and blackmails Yuuta into taking care of it.
  • Hero Killer: Played for Laughs; Try as they might Rikka and co. can't land a finger on her.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: She once decked Kumin in the head with her ladle from halfway across a park.
  • Improbable Weapon User: A ladle, which she can use with implausible skill both as a melee weapon and a projectile. (In Rikka's delusions, it's an gigantic ice-cream scoop.)
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She's abrasive, rude, cynical, and hurtful, but she really does have good intentions. She tries to help her sister, just not in the nicest ways.
  • Knight of Cerebus: A non-villainous example. Despite being Comically Serious, her arrival is often a sign that things are going to become sadder, as she tries repeatedly to bring Rikka back into reality, however harsh it may be.
  • Numerical Theme Naming: Her given name means "ten flowers".
  • No-Sell: Her imaginery version of her ladle acts as this, allowing her to deflect, absorb, and redirect almost any "attack" that comes her way. Fitting, considering her role. In a standard imaginary battle you might've had as a kid, she is the one that never loses in fights because she's "invincible".
  • Plot Allergy: Towards cats, so she coerces Yuuta to take "Chimera" in.
  • Promotion to Parent: After Rikka moves into her apartment.
  • Slave Collar: She wears one for no particular reason.
  • Straight Man: To her ever delusional sister.
    • Not So Above It All: Turns out she just as strange as Rikka in some ways.
  • Supreme Chef: Rikka may not like Touka much, but at least she appreciates her cooking.
    • In episode 10, it was revealed she would be sent to "the head restaurant in Italy" for training.
  • Tough Love: Tries to take this approach with Rikka, forcing to accept the reality of their father's death. Unfortunately Rikka proves resistant to this approach and simply casts her as the antagonist in her fantasies.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: It's her talk with Yuta and the revelation that she was to be sent to Italy that makes him realize that Rikka will soon be alone and can't face the world as she is. Ironically, it leads to a bigger problem and sense of depression for the poor girl.

    Yuuta's Mother

    Kuzuha Togashi

Yuuta's younger sister and a seventh-grade schoolgirl.

  • The Bus Came Back: Returns at the end of episode 1.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Lite Episode 3, where she is accompanied by Yuuta (then still assuming his "Dark Flame Master" persona) while meeting a friend late at night.
  • Family Theme Naming: She and Yumeha's names both end with the kanji for "leaf".
  • Only Sane Girl: During Yuuta's days as the "Dark Flame Master", particularly her focus episode in Lite Episode 3.
  • Put on a Bus: Moves overseas with her parents and little sister some time before Ren
  • Supreme Chef: Her cooking is implied to be really good, especially in episode 9 of season 2 when she helps out at a beach restaurant owned by Kumin's aunt.

    Yumeha Togashi

Voiced by: Mami Shitara (Japanese), Kasi Hollowell (English)

Yuuta and Kuzuha's youngest sister and a five-year-old preschooler.

  • Family Theme Naming: She and Kuzuha's names both end with the kanji for "leaf".
  • Put on a Bus: Moves overseas with her parents and older sister some time before Ren.
  • Running Gag: Any time Yumeha plays house with Touka, expect things to take a weirdly realistic turn. It even doubles as a very sad Call-Back when Touka leaves for Italy.


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